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Thank you for visiting PrivatizedBankingCenter.com.

Feel free to register now and start using our free Real World Compound Interest Analysis tool.

You won't like the results. Trust us.

You might be asking, who are these people and what are they doing? Glad you asked.

We are a team of Economists and Software developers who are in the process of developing an important education and savings planning toolset for the financial professional to teach their clients about one very important topic -- Economics. We believe this is the key to sound planning which leads to client confidence which helps you really help people and make a better living at it.

It is important to understand. We are not Bankers, Brokers, Bailouters, Agents, or anything. We are not selling anything but a tool. We believe in the Privatized Banking strategies available today so much we want as many people to know about it as possible.

The tools will be divided in to two areas.

The first deals with the problems with most common money handlers, namely the local and national banks, mortgage companies, lending institutions and all of the "money saving" plans devised by the Federal Government for us. We also look at what the real issues are with the Federal Reserve and how they affect us. We are dedicated to gathering this information and presenting it in the most clear manner we can.

The second area deals with the solutions our economists have found to be the best nationally and personally. This is the most fun because of the confidence it gives us to actually look at and handle money differently and more successfully while at the same time retain as much control of our money and the money it earns as is legally available. Now this solution does have to do with insurance..but don't click away just yet. We are not insurance agents. So we deal with the pitfalls concerning insurance as well.

No institution gets a free pass. We have more than enough experience to help navigate this part too.

Also, as mentioned above, we have developed our first tool as an instruction on the so called miracle of compound interest and the issues we face in the real world to make that happen.

This first demo tool is backed by over 100 years of annual Federal Government tax rate data, Stock Market performance (the Dow) and inflation rates.

If you register (free) you will have access to this free analysis tool. Also, if after you read the vision you decide that you may be interested in using the full version (after it is completed!), please ensure that your account has the "email me" feature checked and set your email client to accept emails from privatizedbankingcenter.com.

We truly hope to bring you the best tools to help you and your clients understand and the problems with banking today and the Privatized Banking strategies to help solve many of these issues.


The Privatized Banking Center Team

Copyright © 2019 Privatized Banking Center.
This site is a service of  United Services & Trust Corporation